Trisha The Destructive Force

Trisha is a canine. What kind of canine we don’t know for sure, but the best bet is some Labrador Retriever and something else. German Shepherd Dog perhaps, although that may just be wishful thinking as we fondly recall our Roxanne and Holly. (Roxanne and Holly are the terrific GSD’s that we owned until their recent deaths.) Trisha has separation anxiety. Badly. We have moved her from her plastic mostly-enclosed crate to a wire-mesh cage.

How Not To Test Pointers

Pointer tests in the realm of implementation-dependent behavior So, what’s wrong with this little snippet of code: extern void *foo(); void *p = foo(); if( p > 0 ) { printf( “Pointer is okay\n” ); } When I saw this, my first thought was that I’d never seen that done, nor had I ever imagined anyone doing it. The compiler apparently liked it just fine, but the behavior was not what the person who wrote that line of code expected - i.

Dremel 3D45 3D Printer Initial Experiences

So here’s how it’s going with my 3D printer. In summary, it’s going well! Very happy with my Dremel 3D45. I’ve printed many toy animals for various children and adults, some board-game accessories such as Gloomhaven JotL dashboards and monster standees, and other interesting things. I’ve yet to have the time to learn enough CAD to start printing my own designs, but that’s definitely on the agenda. Still may aspects of 3D printing to explore, and I know I’m just getting started.

Down the 3D Printer Rabbit Hole

I knew I’d be making this leap at some point. While recovering from a minor medical procedure seemed like a good time, so after some furious research I ordered a Dremel 3D45 3D printer. B&H had the same price as Amazon, free expedited shipping, and was actually able to deliver faster than Amazon, so I was able to not give Amazon even more of my money, and that made me happy.

Migrating from Evernote to Bear

Evernote A long time back, I migrated from my beloved Yojimbo to Evernote. I didn’t want to make this transition, but Yojimbo was being sunset, so I had to make a change, and a friend convinced me Evernote was the solution. And Evernote has been a good tool, although for a very long time the iPhone app was unusably slow IMHO. They have addressed that for the most part, but now the Mac app has become a little flaky.

Finally Buying a NAS

For years, I’ve had bouts of temptation when it comes to setting up a NAS. The other day, I finally made the leap and put one on order. I’ve been using an External Thunderbay Thunderbolt drive enclosure for years, and it holds my iTunes TV and movie collection, as well as some other varied files. My MacBook Pro has a large SSD, but not that large, so external storage is a must.

COVID-19 Pandemic Links

A few interesting pandemic links:  When It Comes to Covid-19, Most of Us Have Risk Exactly Backward Good discussion about risk.  This Overlooked Variable Is the Key to the Pandemic Very thought-provoking.  I traveled across the U.S. during the pandemic. Experts weigh in on what I did right and wrong Can’t decide if this makes me more or less likely to try flying at some point.